AI - Ethics - Policy
AI - Moving beyond compliance
The digital economy is at the center of a seismic change with the convergence of big data and artificial intelligence. The rapid rate of innovation is proving to be one of the most transformative forces of our time. At the same time, we are faced with ethical dilemmas challenging users’ digital dignity and redefining privacy norms.
Learning From Google's Ethics Board
While many may debate and question Google's ethics and past "Don’t Be Evil” mantra (which was abandoned in 2015), one has to look objectively of how they act today and their global dominance in so many arenas. Unfortunately Google has once again stumbled, failing to appreciate the optics of today's world of ethical activism.
Pearl Harbor Day - A Reminder of the Risk Of Net Neutrality
Today as computer users around the US express their disdain for the FCC’s plans for rolling back net neutrality, others including many trade organizations and NGOs sit on the site lines, claiming no harm no fowl. Ironically as today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, we need not to forget what happens when dominate market players act in their own best interests, with disregard to society at large.
IoT Trust & Ethics - A Shared Responsibility
The rapid rise in the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought forth a new generation of devices and services representing the most significant era of innovation and growth since the launch of the Internet. While the vast majority of devices are safe and secure, all too many are being sold without security safeguards, adequate privacy controls or lifecycle support.