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Interactive MarketinG


Transparency & Consumer Perceptions in eCommerce

Review of the Online Trust Audit with Craig Spiezle ad the Internet Retailer Conference (Video)

Whitelisting Ads Vs. Scorched Earth: What's The Best Approach?

By some accounts, there are more than 200 variants of ad-blocking solutions, many of which utilize whitelisting that allows certain ads through when they adhere to specific rules. While an ad blocker that doesn’t block all ads may sound like an oxymoron, I argue that whitelisting may be critical for the long-term sustainability of ad-supported services.

Hidden Risks of Online Advertising

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs chaired by Senator John McCain including Google, Yahoo and Craig Spiezle of AgeLight (Video)

Beyond Email Delivery: The Need to Focus on the User Experience Is Key To Winning

Marketers often talk about the end-to-end customer experience, but when it comes to privacy, security and usability their efforts appear muted. Email marketers have done an excellent job on deliverability and user engagement. What is striking is it appears they have taken their eyes off the ball once the email is opened.

CAN-SPAM – Looking Ahead & Looking Global

Review of email marketers unsubscribe practices and if the current CAN-SPAM requirements are adequate

Lean In and Embrace

While change is difficult,
leaning in and embracing l change will pay dividends providing a more trustworthy internet and advertising ecosystem.

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